Friday, March 4, 2011

AARP members/books

AARP members and the book "Joe's Story: The Book of a Lifetime" are a perfect fit. However, there is no way I can possibly afford to advertise in the monthly magazine or bulletin. How else am I going to reach you? Blogs, facebook and twitter, but I need your help to do it. Joe's Story is a great read. It will keep you on the edge of your seat, waiting in anticipation of the next page filled with adventure and memories. Because most of us soon forget our experiences there are not many true stories out there quite like this. I'm asking you to help me get the word out there by putting the website on any of your social networking.

The reviews are excellent. I am not bragging because this autobiography is not so much about me but about all those people we all know that have accomplished exceptional things in the face of adversity and seemingly insurmountable odds. There are a lot of hero's that pass through our lives relatively unnoticed. Not so in Joe's Story. It is a book you will never regret reading and will in all likelihood read several times.

Lets face it, we've all gone through good and bad times in our lives. We share the trials, pains and tribulations but also we share the adventure, laughter, exhilaration and sense of accomplishment by simply making it this far too. Now I want to share a great thing with you. This is the only way I can do it. Help spread the word about Joe's Story to everyone you know. Together we can help a lot of people experience a better life and enjoy a few laughs along the way. I'd appreciate it. Thanks................Joe Cramer, Author......Joe's Story: The Book of a Lifetime

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