Thursday, December 29, 2011

Free game starts January 3rd 2012

January 3rd, 2012 is the beginning of the 31st Silver Treasure Hunt.

There are a couple of minor adjustments to the rules this time around. The clues will be issued every two weeks instead of once a month. There will no longer be the long wait involved. The intensity of the game is also increased because the game will now end in one of two ways: When someone locates the medallion and brings it to me to claim their prize, the same as in the past 30 years. That is the desired conclusion. Or, if by midnight of February 29th no one has found it, I will retrieve the medallion personally, the game will end and the treasure will be added to next year's prize. The clues, as always are designed to help you solve the riddle.

The Grand Rapids Press and Advance Newspapers as well as are poised to cover the event as closely as space allows. Greg has stated that he will also maintain updates on his site

This will be a new experience with a long time tradition and there has been a lot of excitement expressed to me by past and new treasure hunters alike. The pace of life has changed considerably since the very first treasure hunt in 1980. My gosh! The Internet did not exist, and cell phones? What were they anyway? Facebook? Twitter? Cloud? Now the game is played all around the world electronically. Get a copy of the Greater Grand Rapids city map and: Let's get it on!

I can't hardly wait!
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