Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Treasure hunt winner

Robert Lyon found the medallion by a sign post on 56th street in Wyoming. Betweeh Haughey street and a bicycle path very near Buchanan Ave. He exchanged it for a treasure trove of silver collector's edition coins spanning 100 years of American history, as well as the coveted winners mug. It's been a wonderful 33 years and I hope to bring another challenge to you in the future.

Joe Cramer
AKA The Wyoming Riddler

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Treasure hunt clue #4

Due to weather conditions and a general desire for fairness the treasure hunt has been extended and another clue issued.

"Between hints in the riddle, it's there. Amongst the clues, even closer to where. 156, but not all together. To keep it fair: two mean him, two mean where."

Good luck! More info available on and Greg's site

Someone is going to find this thing. Maybe you?
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