Saturday, March 27, 2010

Writer or author

I believe that almost anyone that has written a book to be published knows how I feel:

Why aren't hundreds of publishers beating a path to my door with million dollar checks for the rights to represent my literary masterpiece? After all, I've spent years writing it. Doesn't anyone realize just how important this is to me?

The answer is: Nobody cares! It's up to me to provide an outstanding indication of profitability. Publishing companies operate by making a profit, not by being nice to would be writers or authors.

The phone isn't going to ring today with an offer. Not this week, not this month. Not this year. The responsibility lies on my shoulders. I have to do the calling and the querying. I am continuing to do that until I achieve success. Meanwhile, a person whom I respect a great deal visited with me and posed a question I hadn't thought of in a while. I am a published author of a wonderful book: "Joe's Story: The Book of a Lifetime" Does being a published author make me a writer? And, if so does that make me a good writer? My first thought was, "How dare he question my writing ability? I write all the time." After I pushed my pride out of the way I asked what he meant by that. He is going to schedule some time to talk to me about it. Meantime he suggested I write down the reasons why the children's story I intend to get published is a sell able commodity. Jeez! I thought the story spoke for itself. Now I gotta figure out if I'm a writer and whether or not my writing is worth publishing too? Will it never end? I just wanted someone to call, falling all over themselves as to how they can convince me to let them publish my story. That's all I wanted. I really didn't expect it. Not really. Almost not really. Well, maybe a little bit more than I care to admit.

Just another day in the life of an author/and/or/writer. It's kind of fun really.................Joe

1 comment:

Joe Cramer said...

I do not accept comments of this nature

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