Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Riddle clue #2

Because so many of you have requested to see the treasure I did some door knocking and the folks at Russell and Ballards Jewelry at 5751 Byron Center Road S.W. in Wyoming across the street from Metro Hospital have been kind enough to display it in their showroom. http://www.russellandballard.com/
I have no nice place like that to display it and show it properly. A huge thank you to them.

Clue #2
"Yes, it's in Wyoming all right. 1,760 yards and what I don't know. But it's close."

That ought to give you something to hang your hat on. Good luck to you! There is more information on http://www.mlive.com/, in the Tuesday January 31st editions of the Grand Rapids Press and Advance newspapers. A really huge thank you goes out to them also. Thanks to them the riddle and clues reach tens of thousands of people by putting it right on their doorstep. Greg takes it a little further and has a site dealing specifically with the riddle that thousands frequently visit to keep up with the latest details. http://www.wyomingriddler.com/

I hope you are enjoying this year's hunt wherever you are and however you wish to participate. One couple explained to me how they take the riddle and clues with them as they visit friends who are limited in mobility. They say it brings up lively discussions. Everyone has their own way of enjoying this free, community activity. I have to admit, I have a great time too.

The weather is cooperating today so get out there any way you can. A treasure awaits!

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