Thursday, November 10, 2011

Joe Paterno, Sandusky and our kids

The "alleged" Sandusky child sexual assault investigation and subsequent failure to report.

How would this whole thing play out if a few minor details were changed?

What if it wasn't involving football?

What if it wasn't involving a college coach?

What if it didn't involve Joe Paterno?

What if setting certain athletic records weren't involved?

What if college students weren't involved?

What if it wasn't Penn State?

There are a whole lot of what ifs here I think. Its kind of a shame how all the media hype concerning the popular people and places involved overwhelms the plight of the "alleged" victims don't you think?

I've watched and listened to several sports commentators since this whole thing came to light. I am proud of the way they disregard the spotlight on the popular people and places involved and express their concerns for the victims. The embarrassment JoePa experiences is nothing compared to the devastation of even one of the victims. I am grateful this has come to light and the perpetrator won't be able to destroy the innocence of any more kids. He will pay hell for what he's done. I'm sure of it! No matter who or what is involved.

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