Saturday, March 20, 2010

Michigan Snow Storm

Snow, snow, everywhere. Oh my gosh! I just woke up, looked out the window and lo and behold, snow fell all over the country side as I slept. The past few weeks around here have been downright balmy. Sunshine, light breezes, warm rain showers and temperatures in the 60's. Dog gone good kite flying, dog walking, flower planting, tree trimming, barbecue grilling, bicycle riding, lawn fertilizing, neighborhood jogging, and finally taking down the Christmas lights weather. All over town people have been walking with strollers and little kids in tow enjoying this prelude to a warmer, less unfriendly climate. Ice cream sales have jumped. Motorcycles are uncovered, washed, waxed and taken on test runs. Custom cars, covered and stored ever so carefully over the winter, protected from salt and other corrosive threats can be heard firing up in garages everywhere. Not today! Snow, the dreaded element, has reclaimed its territory at least one more time. Fresh, clean, brilliant white and mushy snow has spread here and there to bring us back to reality. I live in Michigan. March is not a snow free month. On any given day we can expect snow, even blizzard conditions. But I have to admit, this year with all this sweet, warm weather I grew a bit complacent. Almost forgetting my place in this world.

Being a hardy, resourceful type of person, I believe I can deal with all the consequences surrounding even a storm of this magnitude. After all, I have a new (to me anyway) 4 wheel drive, big honkin' truck to drive through the slickery streets. This old half inch or so of accumulated snow won't dampen my enthusiasm one bit. I'm from Michigan, I can handle it. Its a gift. Everything is a gift of some sort isn't it? Even the bad stuff because they make us think and appreciate the good. I wish you a great and wonderful day........................Joe

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