Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Riddle help Clue #1

Ah, the anticipation and expectation of more food for thought has more quickly born fruit this year. The first two weeks are behind us without a winner so it is time for clue #1 to help you solve the January 3rd treasure riddle. This ought to be of great help to you and perhaps bring a smile to your face to boot. Here tis:

"For help you could kind of look for the arch and jelly. You figure out the why or not."

There you go! If no winner there will be another clue in two weeks on January 31st.

Good luck! More info available in today's Grand Rapids Press or Advance newspapers, www.Mlive.com or Greg's site at www.wyomingriddler.com I just may let you in on what the treasure consists of sometime in the near future. Watch for it...................Joe

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