Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Riddle game starts now!

The free game starts now!

Here is the 30th annual Silver Treasure Hunt riddle for you to solve and find the elusive metal medallion.

"There I was, riding along on my bicycle when I saw it. I could not think of a better place. It looked ok and I was sure I would not worry over it any more. Bring me the medallion and win."

For more information and a set of the rules you will find them listed along with additional background on a site hosted by Greg Havens www.wyomingriddler.com I found a couple typo's in the riddle but I'm sure he'll clear them up soon. Meanwhile the riddle listed here is correct and The Grand Rapids Press and Advance newspapers will have articles relating to the treasure hunt. Good luck! A description of the treasure is in a previous posting. It's beautiful and valuable.

Stay safe. Watch out for carbon monoxide. remember: "Carbon Monoxide, Get Outside!"

Have fun..............Joe Cramer

P.S. Anonymous winners will not be acknowledged!

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