Thursday, March 22, 2012

Being happy is good for you.

It's good to be back! This year's treasure hunt required a lot of attention due to the increased frequency of the clues and all the new participants. What a blast! I am currently working on a riddle game for a local retirement community. This is very enjoyable as working with limited criteria is always a challenge. Everyone has their own idea of fun don't they?

The world has gone on very well without my complete attention. What a delight! Not being responsible for the entire population is a relief. The presidential candidates are hard at it, or rather each other. The president himself is enjoying a resurgence of employment for whatever reason. I seriously doubt however that it has anything to do with what the government is doing. After all, the American people are very resilient and even if we do complain loudly we usually get on with what needs to be done and get back to work. I am proud of us. Many people of other countries grouse about us but where is the first place they want to migrate to? Then when they get here, they want to change the place into the image of where they came from. Huh! I guess maybe we do that to by judging other countries by our standards, not theirs. Same O', Same '. As I said, I'm happy to say I'm not responsible for what goes on in the world.

Went to a casino the other week. Came back with $5.00 more than I left with and spent 4 hours there. Cheap entertainment. However, sat next to a woman that spent $800 and she was only there for an hour and a half. They don't build those fancy buildings on the winners do they? The warm weather advanced my annual walk to pick pussy-willows up two weeks. I went, picked a few and came home. The bounty was almost finished by the time I was there, even as early as I went. Only a few sprigs and they are close to spent already. I can't remember that happening before. It's always been the best blooms on the 15th of March. This year it must have been closer to the 15th of February. The times they are a changin'.

In my almost weekly meetings with the guys the conversation is leaning towards explaining who is responsible for a lot of our cultural and societal changes lately. We haven't settled on a complete answer yet. I'll get back to that another day. Meanwhile, think about it. I prefer to concentrate on how to live a happy life that spills over onto those around me. Far more enjoyable if you care to ask me. Laughing is a lot more fun than complaining don't you think?

I wish you a happy day. By the way: I've gotten it from a very reliable source that laughing is good for what ails you and strengthens the heart to boot. So there!

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